Monday, November 22, 2010

The 15 most annoying things on twitter !!!

Everyone comes out with some lists of tips and advices to improve its presence on Twitter, optimize the quality of its tweets, expand its influence and the number of its followers. I was telling myself that it is too easy, that it is just a way to generate traffic easily by distilling meaningless advices, but I too succumbed to the epidemic of the dot list. As I do not want to be like everyone else, I decided to share with you the 15 things that annoy me most about Twitter because it's time to fight for cleaner and more interesting timelines !


1) I'm tired of people talking about their lives all the time ! I do not care to know who is gonna eat or read this or that, unless he is a cooking blogger or book columnist and he puts a link to a related article! What's the point ? Are you a kind of superstars ? Are we some voyeurs ? # Unfollow

2) I'm tired of influencers who spend their time discussing together exclusively and are more interested in making buzz than in discovering from their new followers! # Unfollow

3) I'm tired of those who automate their tweets and DM ! You are, if I'm not mistaken, human beings then act like this ... There is nothing worse than having the impression that a real bot is hiding behind a fake account! # Unfollow

4) I'm tired of those who do not check the spelling of their tweets ! I know we all make spelling mistakes but we can make some efforts ! Besides, who wants to follow on Twitter illiterate ? # Unfollow

5) I'm tired of those who believe that Twitter is an online dating website ! Who cares of your love/sex life ! Who cares about your passion for the opposite sex ! Be discrete, learn to use DM or return to OkCupid which is free too :-) # unfollow

6) I'm tired of those who tweet news chronically late. I can understand that sometimes, news is so strong that you want to share it with the rest of the world but there are limits! And you know, That is easy to look at the date of publication of a post! # Unfollow

7) I'm tired of those retweeting always the same accounts! I have nothing against Pete Cashmore or TechCrunch but if I want to follow them, I know where is the button! Ok, I waste a little because sometimes, some RT are deserved, but often ... not! # Unfollow

8) I'm tired of those who do not share their sources! Citing sources and quoting accounts where information was found let set up a virtuous circle in which people who are mentioned / retweeted are more inclined to return the favor ... # Unfollow

9) I'm tired of those who say that the ratio follower / following is not important ! It is ! Moreover, It is an excuse that have been invented for those who never pay their follow back ! # Unfollow

10) I'm tired of rude and impolite people who do not respond to questions put to them and never say thank you ! Ok, you do not want to spoil your TL with thanks and welcome, then send DM ! # Unfollow

11) I'm tired of those who are updating their twitter constantly with Foursquare! I understand that you are interested in collecting badges to be interesting during your coffee break but I do not care to know where you are because I would not come to join you! # Unfollow

12) I'm tired of those who do not diversify their content ! Open your eyes, Internet is much broader than just your favorite area of interest ... There are so many things to see and discover ... It's such a shame to live with blinders ! # Unfollow

13) I'm tired of those who do not read their TimeLines before retweeting the same news again and again to everyone ! # Unfollow

14) I'm tired of those who do not take time to check the links they post ! You know, it is easy to test your links before throwing them to your followers! # Unfollow

15) I'm tired of those who unfollow you if you do not pay your follow-back within 30 minutes! # Unfollow

If you agree with one or more of these situations, there is still time to change and you will see that you'll have more followers. Otherwise, you know what awaits you! # Unfollow. Now, I think it is time for me to make a bit of cleaning in the accounts that I follow :-) Finally, I would say just one more thing : If you want to attract more followers, be interesting !

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