Saturday, November 27, 2010

"What is Data Visualization?" by FFunction

At a time where data is everywhere, it is interesting to see all the possibilities we can have to materialize informations. Above, you can see a piece of work from Sébastien Pierre, the Founder of FFunction which try to describe and define what is data visualization.

Here are the definitions, extracted from the Read Write Web article, for the terms in the above infographic :
  • Fields: Design, Communication, Information and their mix: Visual Communication, Data journalism, User Interface
  • Raw elements: Look & Feel, Idea, Data
  • Disciplines: Journalism, Information Architecture, Typography
  • Process elements: Visual Design, Objective, Dataset
  • Outputs: Layout, Story, Report, Data Analysis, Dashboard, Interface
  • Final result: Form, Concept, Knowledge
  • Core competencies: Readability, Logic, Usability
  • Core values: Simplicity, Informativeness, Relevance

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