Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mass Mavens Vs Mass Connectors !!!

Forrester has just released a new study which is dedicated to Peer Influence in Europe. This study introduces a new way to look at influencers and influential consumers by making the distingo between Mass Mavens and Mass Connectors, ie those who create content and reviews on blogs and forums and those who share it on social networks such as Twitter or Facebook.

People from Forrester found that both types of influence were highly concentrated. Just to give you a comparison, in the US, only 13.8% of online consumers create 80% of influence posts, and just 6.2% of online consumers create 80% of all influence impressions and in Western Europe, just 11.1% of online users create 80% of all influence posts – and only 4% of online users are responsible for 80% of all influence impressions.

What is funny in these figures is that this study try to highliht the fact that there is more mass Mavens than mass connectors. Does that mean that there are more people creating content rather than sharing it. That sounds a bit weird !!! Especially if you have a look a at the social technographics ladder by Forrester which says that most of the people on internet are consuming content and not creating content !!! Anyway, if it is difficult for me to trust these figures, it appears to me that this distingo between these two types of influential consumer is as interesting as right. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Most Contagious 2010 is out !!! So interesting !!!

Like every year, Contagious Magazine has made an interesting summary of 2010 marketing and social media key facts. Take time to read it caus' that's worth it !!!

Via Adverblog